Under the Church Tower

Hidden Beers of Belgium

Words by Breandán Kearney
Photos by Ashley Joanna
Published by Luster Publishing
Launch date: September 2024
This is a behind-the-scenes snippet from the making of Hidden Beers of Belgium, a book which will take readers on a journey of discovery through some of Belgium’s most interesting but under-appreciated beers. Read more here.

Hidden Beers of Belgium, Under the Church Tower

When the Flemish say “onder de kerktoren”—“under the church tower”— they are referring to the ultra-local; the place they grew up. In our research for this book, we’re walking under church towers in towns we’ve never been to before to taste lesser-known beers for the first time. To inhabitants of these towns, such beers are not hidden. They’ve been part of their communities for years. They’re associated with the identity of these places. They’ve always been here, under their church tower. I hope they don’t mind if we ring the bell a little. 
